Chapter 1: Principles of programming
Chapter 3 : Turbo C IDE
Chapter 4 : Introduction to 'C'
Chapter 5 : Decision making and branching
Chapter 7: Arrays
Chapter 8: Strings
Chapter 9 : User Defined functions
Chapter 10 : Structure and union
Chapter 11 : Concept of Debugging
Chapter 12 : Pointers
Chapter 13: File Handling
- Introduction to Programming
- Program Concept
- Characteristics of Programming
- Stages in Program Development
- Tips for Program Designing
- Programming Aids
- Algorithms
- Flowcharts
- Introduction
- Introduction to programming techniques
- Comparative study of programming techniques
- Cohesion
- Coupling
- Debugging
- Program Testing
Chapter 3 : Turbo C IDE
- Turbo C IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
- main menu Bar
- Edit Window
- Message Window
- Status bar
- Editing, Compiling and Running a C Program
- Features of C language
- C Language Standardization
- Successors of C language
Chapter 4 : Introduction to 'C'
- Introduction
- Structure of a C Program
- 'C' Tokens
- Keywords
- Identifiers
- 'C' Constants
- Variable in C
- Data Types
- Derived Data Types:
- Operators
- Precedence and Associativity of operators
- Hierarchy of operators at a glance
- Expression & Its Evolution
- Type Conversion in Expressions
- (Implicit and Explicit type conversion)
Chapter 5 : Decision making and branching
- Introduction
- Sequential statements
- Unformatted I/O functions
- Formatted input using scanf( ) function
- Formatted output using print( )
- Branching statements
- The if-else statements
- The nested if-statements
- The switch statements
- Additional programs
Chapter 6 : Looping Statements
- Introduction
- for-statement
- While-statement
- do-while statement
- Difference between while-loop and do-while loop
- Nested loops
- Jumps in loops
- Programming examples
Chapter 7: Arrays
- Introduction
- Single-dimensional arrays
- Reading and writing single dimensional arrays
- Examples of complex programs
- Searching
- Sorting
- Two-dimensional arrays (Multi-dimensional arrays)
- Reading-writing two-dimensional arrays
- Manipulation in two-dimensional arrays
- Programming Examples
Chapter 8: Strings
- Concepts of string
- Strings in C language
- String variable
- Initializing strings
- String input/output functions
- Array of strings
- String handling functions
- Memory formatting
Chapter 9 : User Defined functions
- Introduction
- Elements of user-defined functions
- Categories of functions
- Passing parameters to functions
- Programming Examples
- Arrays in functions
- Nesting of functions
- Recursion
- Command Line Arguments
- Storage Classes
Chapter 10 : Structure and union
- Introduction to structures
- Structure and its definition
- Structure declaration
- Tagged Structure
- Structure Variables
- Type-Defined Structure
- Structure initialization
- Accessing structures
- Nested structures
- Array of structures
- Structures and functions
- Sending individual members
- Sending the whole structure
- Passing structures through pointers
- Uses of structures
- Union and its definition
Chapter 11 : Concept of Debugging
- Common Programming Errors
- Program Testing and Debugging
- Types of Errors
- Debugging C Program
Chapter 12 : Pointers
- Introduction
- Pointer concepts
- Pointer variable
- Accessing variables through pointers
- Pointer declaration and Definition
- Initializing a pointer variable
- Pointers to Pointers
- Compatibility
- Pointer applications
- Pointers and other operators
- Memory allocation functions
- Memory map of C program
- Memory management functions.
Chapter 13: File Handling
- Introduction to file handling
- File system basics
- Standard stream in C
- File Structure
- File Pointer
- Opening and closing a file
- File handling functions
- File types, Text and Binary
- Input / Output operations on file
- Reading a character using getc( )
- Writing a character using putc( )
- Using feof ( )
- Working with string using fputs( ) and fgets( )
- Using fread( ) and fwrite( )
- Direct Access file
- fseek( )
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