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Download c language tutorials

Chapter 1: Principles of programming

  1. Introduction to Programming
  2. Program Concept
  3. Characteristics of Programming
  4. Stages in Program Development
  5. Tips for Program Designing
  6. Programming Aids
  7. Algorithms 
  8. Flowcharts
Chapter 2 : Programming Techniques and logic

  1. Introduction
  2. Introduction to programming techniques
  3. Comparative study of programming techniques
  4. Cohesion
  5. Coupling
  6. Debugging
  7. Program Testing

Chapter 3 : Turbo C IDE

  1. Turbo C IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  2. main menu Bar
  3. Edit Window
  4. Message Window
  5. Status bar
  6. Editing, Compiling and Running a C Program
  7. Features of C language
  8. C Language Standardization
  9. Successors of C language

Chapter 4 : Introduction to 'C'

  1. Introduction
  2. Structure of a C Program
  3. 'C' Tokens
  4. Keywords
  5. Identifiers
  6. 'C' Constants
  7. Variable in C
  8. Data Types
  9. Derived Data Types:
  10. Operators
  11. Precedence and Associativity of operators
  12. Hierarchy of operators at a glance
  13. Expression & Its Evolution
  14. Type Conversion in Expressions
  15. (Implicit and Explicit type conversion)

Chapter 5 : Decision making and branching

  1. Introduction
  2. Sequential statements
  3. Unformatted I/O functions
  4. Formatted input using scanf( ) function
  5. Formatted output using print( )
  6. Branching statements 
  7. The if-else statements
  8. The nested if-statements
  9. The switch statements
  10. Additional programs
Chapter 6 : Looping Statements
  1. Introduction
  2. for-statement
  3. While-statement
  4. do-while statement
  5. Difference between while-loop and do-while loop
  6. Nested loops
  7. Jumps in loops
  8. Programming examples 

Chapter 7: Arrays

  1. Introduction
  2. Single-dimensional arrays
  3. Reading and writing single dimensional arrays
  4. Examples of complex programs
  5. Searching
  6. Sorting
  7. Two-dimensional arrays (Multi-dimensional arrays)
  8. Reading-writing two-dimensional arrays
  9. Manipulation in two-dimensional arrays
  10. Programming Examples

Chapter 8: Strings

  1. Concepts of string
  2. Strings in C language
  3. String variable
  4. Initializing strings
  5. String input/output functions
  6. Array of strings
  7. String handling functions
  8. Memory formatting

Chapter 9 : User Defined functions

  1. Introduction
  2. Elements of user-defined functions
  3. Categories of functions
  4. Passing parameters to functions
  5. Programming Examples
  6. Arrays in functions
  7. Nesting of functions
  8. Recursion
  9. Command Line Arguments
  10. Storage Classes

Chapter 10 : Structure and union

  1. Introduction to structures
  2. Structure and its definition
  3. Structure declaration
  4. Tagged Structure
  5. Structure Variables
  6. Type-Defined Structure
  7. Structure initialization
  8. Accessing structures
  9. Nested structures
  10. Array of structures
  11. Structures and functions
  12. Sending individual members
  13. Sending the whole structure
  14. Passing structures through pointers
  15. Uses of structures
  16. Union and its definition

Chapter 11 : Concept of Debugging

  1. Common Programming Errors
  2. Program Testing and Debugging
  3. Types of Errors
  4. Debugging C Program

Chapter 12 : Pointers

  1. Introduction
  2. Pointer concepts
  3. Pointer variable
  4. Accessing variables through pointers
  5. Pointer declaration and Definition
  6. Initializing a pointer variable
  7. Pointers to Pointers
  8. Compatibility
  9. Pointer applications
  10. Pointers and other operators
  11. Memory allocation functions
  12. Memory map of C program
  13. Memory management functions.

Chapter 13: File Handling

  1. Introduction to file handling
  2. File system basics
  3. Standard stream in C
  4. File Structure
  5. File Pointer
  6. Opening and closing a file
  7. File handling functions
  8. File types, Text and Binary
  9. Input / Output operations on file 
  10. Reading a character using getc( )
  11. Writing a character using putc( )
  12. Using feof ( )
  13. Working with string using fputs( ) and fgets( )
  14. Using fread( ) and fwrite( ) 
  15. Direct Access file
  16. fseek( )

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